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The Feng Shui of Business – David Price Francis
Consciously work with mental, emotional, and universal energies to optimize YOUR personal and business success.
Feng shui utilizes principles that are effective in consciously designing spaces that are balanced and harmonious. You can also use these understandings to consciously design your business to optimize your success and wellbeing by following principles of harmony and balance to uplift and foster creativity and productivity within your business.
This 4-part series explores how you can create a high-vibration ecology in your business and in the workplace. Learn practical techniques and understandings to create the high-vibration business you desire while bringing you the material and financial success you deserve!
Class 1. Creating Harmony and Balance in Your Business
Live Zoom: September 06,2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Creating harmony and balance in your business begins with how you think, feel, and behave. As the founder of your business, your motivating reasons and leadership style are key factors in determining whether your business has an alkaline or acidic energetic ecology. Whether you are a sole practitioner or have a business with several partners and employees, whether you are starting out in your business or have been in practice for several years, the business you are involved with may be generating a counter-productive, stressful ecology by being too acidic or too alkaline in its nature.
This class will explore the characteristics of short-term, red, acid-producing behaviors and long-term, blue, alkaline-producing behaviors with a focus on a neutral, transparent leadership style as offering the most effective and productive way forward. Learn how to create harmony and balance in your business in a way that builds your wealth, health, and creates an energetic ecology you, your clients, and employees will want to support and be a part of.
Class 2. Clearing Toxicity and Resolving Conflicts
Live Zoom: September 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Clearing toxic energy from the ecology of your business is key to creating and maintaining a high-energy vibration that supports your wellbeing and financial success. Discover the 9 prime psychological blockages that cause toxicity and impede the growth and success of any business, and how to remedy them. These mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns include: overwhelm, fragmentation, self-sabotage, undervaluing, over intending, weak internal and external boundaries, and delusional thinking. By understanding these psychologies and how to remedy them you can take greater control of the energies in your business and create greater harmony and balance.
We will also explore techniques to help you argue more effectively and productively with minimum friction. People often divide into polarizing positions such as for and against, attack and defend. This produces friction and antagonism which is hot and often damaging to all involved. The resulting energy is corrosive and hampers harmony and progressive endeavors in the workplace. Learn the keys to resolving conflicts by taking deliberate and conscious mental and emotional positions which enable you to resolve conflicts and clear toxic energy from your business environment. Discover how shared reasons help create a high-vibration business ecology that is beneficial to your leadership, clients, and employees.
Class 3. Being like Rock, Being like Water
Live Zoom: September 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Making the right action at the wrong time is as detrimental to your business as making the wrong action at the right time. Should you contract or expand? Should you hold firm in your position and stand strong like a rock or be flexible, flow with what is happening, and be fluid like water?
An entrepreneur’s role is to acquire information in a timely manner and have the flexibility to move where the intelligence leads. A crucial ingredient in making accurate and timely business decisions is being well connected to the intelligence our instinct offers us. A successful entrepreneur can be firm or flexible, move fast or slow, according to need. Discover what can impede the flow of your instinct and learn ways to hone your intuition into a skill that helps you succeed in your business.
Also, discover why spiritually-motivated businesses are often particularly attractive targets to people with narcissistic energies. Learn 5 red flags to watch for to help you spot people with narcissistic energy and how to make your business immune to these toxic energies.
This class includes a meditation to help you access 3 major planetary powers that are crucial to your business success.
Class 4. Creating a Positively Charged Business Environment
Live Zoom: September 27 ,2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EDT
Energetic ecologies are created by the interaction between how we think, feel, and behave and where this connects us to in the 7 levels of the planet’s energetic spectrum. Knowing the nature of the energies in these 7 levels offers us a map of possible energetic outcomes that we can target in our personal and business endeavors. Learn how to use this energy map to chart your progress and keep track of your success. Explore how you can navigate your business toward financial success while maintaining your personal integrity, values, and standards.
You can achieve a balanced, harmonious, financially successful business while experiencing the personal satisfaction of knowing you are making a valuable contribution to the world. When your motivating reasons and intentions are shared with clients and employees it is possible to create an ecology of ethical leadership that transcends throughout your organization. Learn practical techniques that are designed to help you achieve your financial goals while maintaining a high level of mental and emotional wellbeing.
This class includes a meditation to help you in your centering process, crucial to your personal and business success.[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”CREDITS EARNED” icon=”fa-shield-alt fas”]
Upon completion of the 4 modules you will receive 4 Conscious Design Institute Credits.
There are no prerequisite courses to take this certification program.
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David Price Francis
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David Price Francis is an expert in helping individuals, couples, and groups understand and improve the quality of energetics in their personal lives and relationships using techniques and strategies that he has successfully developed in private practice working with clients for over thirty-five years.
He is the author of Go With The Glow: From Psychological Pain to Spiritual Happiness: Partners in Passion: How To Positively Transform the Energies in all Your Relationships, and The Tales of Dr. Woo: A Journey into Truth.
David has also developed “Integrative Energetics,” a series of online courses that focus on how we can integrate the energies of our mind, body, soul, and spirit, to engage in a more holistic way with ourselves, our lives, and our relationships, as well as being better able to access and understand the energetic intelligence our physical and energetic systems seek to offer us every day. The first module in this series, “The Human Aura: A Practical Introduction To Your Personal Energy Field” is now available.
David lives in Coconut Creek, Florida
Contact David at:
Phone: (646) 737-3470
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