Feng Shui Your Space for Abundant Living
Feng Shui Your Space
Learn Feng Shui secrets to create an abundant life by arranging your space to achieve your hearts desires. Feng Shui principles have sustained thousands of years, to activate, create, sustain healthy, abundant and happy lives. Find out how your front door can impact your career. Ever wonder why bathrooms are so important in feng shui? How about the significance of the stove in your home – do you even use it? What is the best use of mirrors using feng shui principles? What is going on in your bedroom? How photographs & storage influence your relationships.
Here is what one client reported:
“Lois came to my apartment and analyzed everything about it. She then moved 3 pieces of sculpture and the result was astounding because the relationship with my husband of 25 years improved and the direction of my business became more clarified and focused. Ann Greenberg NYC”
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., “Queen of the Shui” is the go-to expert when you are ready to receive passionate relationships, a peaceful home, and a life you love. Inspiring you to seek and create new opportunities in your life she puts her 10+ years of Feng Shui energy clearing to work to put you the driver’s seat with your relationships and spaces. Lois is still in awe of how magical her life is. Traveling around the world in the corporate fashion industry Lois never expected she would be “Sharin’ the Shui” as her life mission, meaning becoming an expert speaker, master teacher and working directly with private clients sharing the magic of feng shui for both your space and your soul. It was a quest searching for healing where Lois found Feng Shui. Living the Feng Shui Principles including dowsing, clearing and adventures in expanded education, the signs became clear that it was time to leave the daily fashion world for a new beginning. Lois has never looked back! Read her full story in her E-Book, be sure you download it https://bit.ly/loisfreefsebook.! Lois is certified in diverse energy modalities – including Reiki, Feng Shui, Meditation, Space Clearing, and Hypnosis and Past Life Regression techniques. Her popular programs, including “Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul”, “Weekly Online Neuro-Transformational ™ Guided Clearing Meditation Circle” and “Take a 30-Second Vacation with Lois,” teach people to use these tools daily to manifest change in their lives. Sample the experience at: www.loiskramerperez.com